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    message alerts. Use a Calendar Another IQ2 Nootropic way is using a calendar. Calendars are
    one of the most effective means for keeping medicine records. After taking your
    pills, check off that day's date in the calendar. This can also help avoid
    confusion about whether or not you have taken your medicines already. Keep the
    Medicines Visible Always place your medicines such that they are visible and
    easy to access. For example, keep them near your toothbrush, on the
    refrigerator, on your tea or coffee maker, near your bathroom mirror, or TV
    tray. This will help you remember to take them on time. However, the medicines
    should be kept away IQ2 from children or pets. Schedule Well Try to fix a time so
    that you can take your pills at the same time everyday such as in the morning
    with breakfast, in the afternoon with lunch, or at night before or after
    dinner. Take Help from a Family Member Take a trusted friend's, caregiver's or
    family member's help by telling them about your medication timings and asking
    them to remind you.

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