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Über mich

  • The
    word chunking was coined by American psychologist George A. Miller in his
    paper, The Magical Number Seven, plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity
    for Processing Information. Published in 1956, this theory applied the concepts
    of information technology to psychology. With a number of studies to back up
    his claim, Miller claimed that short-term memory Formula Focus had the ability to utilize
    "seven plus-or-minus two" chunks. With numbers the memory span is
    around nine, which falls to around five when it comes to monosyllabic English words?
    Chunking to Improve Memory to chunk the information there are various methods
    that can be used like grouping, organizing and pattern-finding. The choice is
    often based on the information that needs to be grouped. Here are some common
    examples in which we group information. The chunks are then memorized.

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