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Über mich

  • The
    biggest danger is the lack of iron for vegetarians. The accumulated that
    essential element in the body, and got in the first place by eating meat.
    Although many plants also contain minerals, they are far from the required
    amount. There is a need to iron for healthy blood and can happen, especially
    with vegetarian women. Permanent iron deficiency leads to Body Blast Cleanse anemia and other
    health risks. Even more dangerous are feeding vegetarians, in addition to the
    risk of iron deficiency in the daily meals and also the risk of a lack of B12.
    Vegetarian diet and a vegetarian diet are still possible, even with these
    pitfalls. They are available in different versions, one that has all the other
    common meals: are reducing the calorie content of meals and the amount of fat
    is limited. If you want to lose weight as a vegetarian, you can also customize
    the "non-vegetarian" diet alone: Replace the meat ingredients in
    recipes with soy products. Although this should not be processed as industrial
    plant soy sausage or other meat alternatives because of sugar, fat and added as
    a flavor enhancer - which increases the calories in the meal.

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